[safe time and space] safety is always the first, and prevention is always the first

Column:Company News Time:2018-08-11
Editor's note:
The various safety accidents that have occurred in China recently have once again sounded the alarm for us.

"Safety first, prevention first" is the general policy of national safety production. It is also the only magic weapon to prevent and reduce all kinds of production accidents and completely eliminate potential safety hazards. However, this understanding is not profound. We should expand to a deeper level and further strengthen our safety awareness. This is what I want to mention: safety is always the first, prevention is always the first!

In fact, in our work and real life, everyone can hold safety in his own hands. When you wear labor protection articles before work, it is safe; When you work according to the rules and do not act arbitrarily, it is safe; When you find an unimportant hidden danger, it is safe to eliminate it in time. In my opinion, safety is also very simple! As long as we keep in mind, safety can always accompany us.

At this point, I do not want to literally "preach" the word "safety". It's too empty and too pale. Everyone will say "putting forth big ideas". The "theory" of "groaning without illness and coming from nowhere" can not prove the importance of safety awareness. Let me say a few examples that have taken place in workshops, dormitories, production lines and parks. We should take warning from them.

Let's start with the workshop on the floor of a company. One weekend after work, because the employee carelessly forgot to turn off the computer, and because he was in a hurry, he stacked some reports behind the monitor and happened to press them on the power plug-in box. The building is empty, the wind and rain are fierce at night, the strong lightning strikes the power grid, the load of the display device is high voltage, and the short circuit is punctured instantaneously, causing the plug-in box to ignite, and the report is ignited to support the combustion. After a while, the table gradually burst out of flames, the fire spread rapidly, and thick smoke billowed. Fortunately, the guard on duty smelled the smell and organized personnel to break through the door to extinguish the fire. Only in this way could the occurrence of a tragedy be prevented and the company's incalculable economic losses be recovered.

Similar accidents also occurred in the dormitory area. In a girl's apartment, an employee uses an induction cooker to open a small stove. Due to the short lead of the induction cooker, the party concerned pulled the external power supply and extended it to the windowsill. For convenience, the colleague also plugged the hair dryer into the external power supply. It was just when the delicious fragrance was wafting, that my colleague blew his head with a hair dryer. When two high-power consumers are started at the same time, the poor quality external power supply that does not match the current will eventually become angry because it is overwhelmed. The girls in the dormitory were in a panic and put out the fire with water. They did not want to spread the voltage across the whole ground after the exposed wires met with water. The people were electrocuted in an instant. Fortunately, the resistance was too large, forcing the general protector to trip, and the people were spared.

The most serious example occurred on the production line. All the colleagues are working normally. The line leader has adjusted the speed of the production line and urged the employees to speed up the production. At the work station at the connection point of the production line, a female worker hurried to work and didn't come to pick up the machines on the line. It was about to fall down, and she reached for it without looking at it. Who knew that the machine had slipped into the motor gear of the thread body at this time, and the huge biting force was nibbling at the arm of the female worker and stirring it in inch by inch. The heart rending cry frightened everyone at a loss. Later, someone finally cut off the power supply, but the female worker was disabled for life.

What is safety?

Safe! It is the eternal banner of life and a topic more important than Mount Tai. It condenses the happiness and joy of thousands of families; Safe! It is the lifeblood of an enterprise and the guarantee of its work. It is related to the benefits of all units; Safe! It is a sailing ship, a rudder leading the direction, and it carries the journey of life; Safe! It is the powerful east wind, the wind that sweeps away the wild sand, and it blows the spring of enterprise development.

The same sentence, please keep in mind: safety always comes first, prevention always comes first!
